Preparing for action
Uuganbadrakh recently took part in a community conservation project in preparation for the community aspect of his fellowship project. He participated through the Zoological…
Co-ordinator’s blog
After months of preparation Uuganbadrakh is now ready to travel to the remote Gobi desert to begin his fieldwork on the long-eared jerboa. We…
Little Gobi Strictly Protected Area
Next month, Uuganbadrakh will travel to the Gobi Strictly Protected Area to design and test the methods he will use to monitor the Endangered…
Conservation update
The EDGE team is getting ready to put theory into practice, with our forthcoming research and conservation expeditions. Thanks to your generous donations we…
EDGE Fellows Blog
Uuganbadrakh, our EDGE Fellow in Mongolia, will be trained to handle the long-eared jerboa by Batsaikhan Nyamsuren, a lecturer and mammal expert of the…
EDGE Fellows Blog
My name is Uuganbadrakh.Ouynkhishig. I am from northern Mongolia. I used to come to capital city Ulaanbaatar to participate school children competitions. In 2002,…