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Boophis ankarafensis

Boophis ankarafensis


Boophis ankarafensis is endemic to Madagascar and is restricted to the Ankfara forest fragment.

This species is part of the Mantellidae frog family, which diverged from all other amphibian lineages about 50 million years ago, which makes them as dissimilar from their closest relatives as porcupines are from chinchillas. In a transect of 3km, an average of three specimens were collected per 200 metres of stream within a forest fragment. However, in other forest fragments in northwest Madagascar, e.g. in Salahamalaza and Benavony, surveys have failed to detect the species. It has been mapped to an approximate area of suitable habitat of only 61km². Their habitat is under threat from slash and burn practices for small holder agriculture, hardwood logging and the expansion of human settlements. A biosphere reserve has recently been designated in the area, and the Ankarafa Forest receives protection and contains a core protected zone, which seems to have halted farming activities, but enforcement is lacking. The peninsula and coastal waters surrounding the species’ range have recently be designated as the Réserve de la Biosphère du Sahamalaza-Iles Radama.

  • Order: Anura
  • Family: Mantellidae
  • Population: Common
  • Trend: decreasing

EDGE Score

EDGE Score: 6.02 (?)
ED Score: 24.63 (?)
GE / IUCN Red List (?)
Not Evaluated Data Deficient Least Concern Near Threatened Vulnerable Endangered Critically Endangered Extinct in the Wild Extinct


This species is found and restricted to the Ankarafa forest fragment on the Sahamalaza peninsula in northwest Madagascar, 100-150 metres above sea level.

Habitat and Ecology

This species is arboreal, living in lowland gallery forests, where it breeds in streams. The species has not been found outside of forest cover and appears to be sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance. Calling and breeding activity is most intense during the first few months of the rainy season.

Find out more

This wordcloud illustrates the threats facing this species. The size of each word indicates the extent of a species range that is affected by that threat (larger size means a greater area is affected). The colour of the word indicates how much that threat impacts the species (darker shades of red mean the threat is more severe).

Crops Livestock

Threat wordcloud key:

Small area affected
Large area affected
Least severe
Most severe
Severity unknown
Source: The IUCN List of Threatened Species. Version 2017.1.
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