Kakapo on the EDGE: the fight to save the world’s weirdest parrot
Before human settlement, the forests of New Zealand were full of Kakapos, meaning ‘night parrot’ in the Maori language. These bizarre birds are unlike…
The Erasmus Darwin Barlow Expedition to Argentina
The EDGE of Existence Erasmus Darwin Barlow Expedition (EDBE) funds two places for UK based early career conservationists to gain valuable experience and aid…
In search of the world’s least-known crocodile
The morning had been a blur of breakfast, last minute packing and passport checks, so it wasn’t until my tube finally trundled into Heathrow…
Conserving the Shoebill in Uganda – Judith Mirembe
Every bird watcher’s trip starts from Mabamba Swamp, one of the few remaining strongholds of the Shoebill in Uganda. The world is estimated to…
Getting to know the Cebu Flowerpecker – Andrew Ross Reintar
Cebu Island in Central Philippines is one of the most biologically devastated islands in the world and is a priority site for conservation. In…
ZSL EDGE of Existence and National Geographic Launch New Nat Geo Photo Ark EDGE Fellowships
For thousands of creatures living on Earth, time is running out. Although our planet’s wildlife and wild places are disappearing at an alarming rate,…
EDGE Fellows descend on London for the EDGE Leadership Course!
Earlier this month our 2016 cohort of EDGE Fellows flew all the way to London, UK, to visit ZSL for their Conservation Leadership course….
Age does not matter – Aurelie Hector
“Why was this allowed to happen?” “Why did nobody do anything?” “What are you doing today to prevent this from happening again?” Those were…
Between a Thunderstorm and a Purple Frog!
Between a thunderstorm and a purple frog! Arun Kanagavel* and Sethu Parvathy Conservation Research Group, Kochi, Kerala Arun Kanagavel is a former EDGE fellow…
Searching for the Elusive Cuban Solenodon
The Erasmus Darwin Barlow Conservation programme aims to give conservationists of the future new skills and experiences, by funding two places each year to…
For the love of Mexico – Amphibians defeat charismatic species in a conservation contest
Amphibians defeat charismatic species in a conservation contest Amphibians are not very popular among people as cats, birds or marine mammals. However, they are…
Conducting Research in The Misty Mountain Cold Forest of Madagascar!
My name is Sylviane Rakotozafy and I’m an herpetologist devoting to conserve amphibians and reptiles in Madagascar. Here in this blog, I am going…