It is not immediately obvious that the Togo slippery frog (Conraua derooi), which reaches the moderate sizes of 75-85 mm, is a close relative of the largest frog in the world: the Goliath frog (Conraua goliath), which grows to 400 mm.
This species is forest-dependent, and lives in or near fast-flowing water, where its tadpoles develop.
One of the unique characteristics of this animal is that males have larger eardrums than females, this is quiet rare in frogs where most often it is the female that has to listen to the male calls.
Most of the forest habitat within the small range of this species has been lost as a result of agricultural expansion, logging, and human settlements. Stream sedimentation may be having an adverse affect upon breeding
Unfortunately recent surveys have failed to locate this species in its known range in Ghana and there are fears that it has undergone a localised, or complete, extinction.